Product Catalogue » Furniture Components » Miscellaneous

Apart from our main products, we also turn to order in commercial quantities the following:
- lamp bases & columns
- rolling pins and chopping blocks
- perforation pegs (for plumbing applications)
- plant pedestal columns
- dowels and round handrails
- baseball bats and calisthenics batons
- knobs
From small products like knobs to huge 200mm pedestal columns, we have the capability to turn them.
List of Products
Cue Stand - MS120
Our cue stands are supplied raw, in a kit form, ready for assembling. It does not include clips or felts. Assembled units can be purchased from our many distributors.
The MS120 has a 90x90mm turned column. The top plate (280mm in dia) can either have holes drilled or plain (175mm in dia )
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Cue Stand - MS121
Our cue stands are supplied raw, in a kit form, ready for assembling. It does not include clips or felts. Assembled units can be purchased from our many distributors.
The MS121 has a 115x115mm turned column. The top plate is 200mm in dia and the base is 400mm in dia.
Contact us for distributors in your area
Revolving Cue Stand - MS122
Our cue stands are supplied raw, in a kit form, ready for assembling. It does not include clips or felts. Assembled units can be purchased from our many distributors.
The MS122 has a 115x115mm turned column. The top plate is 200mm in dia and the base is 400mm in dia. The second base has a "Lazy Susan" mechanism, allowing the base to rotate.
Contact us for distributors in your area